Thursday, November 18, 2010

How holiday parties will be different now

I fear, no - I KNOW, that I have turned into one of those moms. You know, the ones who love to talk about their child. I try not to do it all the time. For example, I rarely tell baby stories or force people to look at baby pictures to my coworkers. If I’ve had barely any sleep or there is a particularly entertaining story, I may tell a story about Luke. Anyway, my group at work had our annual Football outing yesterday. It was the 8th annual Turkey Bowl – which entails our group leaving the office shortly after lunch, going to a field in the park and playing touch football with some beer on the sidelines and then going to a bar afterwards for appetizers and drinks. Pete had Luke duty after work so I could participate in the Turkey Bowl. My participation did not involve me actually playing on the field – more like showing up late and taking pictures and then going to the bar later. I had told Pete I would be home by 8:00 and he had warned me not to drink too much because he didn’t want to have to pick me up. So my night out consisted of two beers and a margarita shot and the majority of my conversations were with other parents and we talked about our kids and kid related things. I was home by 7:15 and I found I really really missed Luke. Thankfully he seemed really happy to see me which totally made my night. It is a far cry from my nights of going out after work in my 20’s (or even early 30’s) and the wonderful part about it is that I didn’t miss it at all.

So one company outing down and three more to go. I’m not even sure if I’ll attend all three - especially if it impacts me getting home to see Luke before he goes to bed.

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