Monday, May 24, 2010

Things I will miss

My little guy is only two months old and he's already stopped doing some of the unbelievable cute things he does. I'm afraid if I don't document those oh-so-sweet moments I may not remember them so easily. With my mommy brain, I've been losing everything lately. Can't.Lose.These.Memories.

* When he sneezes and then makes the funniest sound afterward - kind of a combination of an exaggerated sigh and a coo.
* I'm nursing him and he stops and smiles up at me
* His face gets all red when he poops (I hear I will have the pleasure of that one for a while)
* Speaking of poops, I am not looking forward to when they start to smell. really bad
* His crooked little smile (when he looks just like his Daddy)
* His little coos that he has just started
* He doesn't move around much so I can leave him in the middle of the bed and the most he can do is roll onto his side
* We can go out to a restaurant, plant his carseat next to us and enjoy our meal as he falls asleep
* Kicky kicky legs and little fidgety arms as he is trying furiously what to do with them
* When he hears my voice and smiles
* A little bundle of sleep as he naps on my chest
* Snuggling in bed with him in the morning when he's wide awake but I'm not quite ready
* The little face he makes when he doesn't want any more bottle. He purses his lips and shakes his head back and forth..."no more. Full"
* The priceless moment when he was sitting up, crossed his eyes and belched. (then spit up)
* He's grown out of his newborn clothes and size 1 diapers
* The little faces he makes in his sleep. He goes from happy to worried to scared to giggly. I'd love to know what he's thinking
* He stops crying when Daddy or I sing to him
* I will miss being at home with him all day - even though I am also looking forward to going back to work.

Of course there are a million more little moments and I will try oh so hard to remember each and every one.

I love this little guy SO much!

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