Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Things I don't miss

Everything is a phase. I am living the phrase that everything is a phase related to having a baby. Some phases are good and I wish they lasted longer but other phases last too long and I can’t wait until they are over. I think I even block some of these phases from my memory. Now I’d like to celebrate the phases that Luke has grown out of:
1. Cradle cap
Luke had a gross flakey scaly reptilian head that grossed me out. I remember putting olive oil on his head and combing and brushing the flakes off his scalp. Ewww.
2. Blocked tear ducts
I wiped so many gummy, nasty tear goop from my baby’s eyes (especially his left eye for some reason) and some times the poor kid couldn’t even open his eyes because they were crusted shut when he woke up. We saw a specialist who said if it didn’t clear up by 10 months, he may need a surgical procedure. Luckily they cleaerd up on their own.
3. Super spit up
All babies spit up. Just like the bibs and baby onesies say “spit happens.” But Luke used to spit up A LOT. I’m talking change a bib every 15 minutes, soak a burp rag, nasty spit up. The doctor said it was fine but I am relieved that he has what I consider normal spit up now and he doesn’t have to wear a bib 24/7.
4. Newborn sleeping patterns
I don’t miss Luke having to wake up every 3 hours so he could eat. Also there was a poop diaper every time he woke up, which brings us to..
5. Super poops
Newborn poop supposedly doesn’t smell. Babies poop smells worse after they start eating solid food. I guess that’s the trade off for having to change about 8-10 newborn poopy diapers a day which are all the consistency of ranch dressing and colors ranging from green, yellow, and of course brown which somehow explodes no matter how carefully the diaper is fastened. I love the days when Luke poops once a day and it is contained within the diaper.
6. Newborn fingernails
His little newborn nails were so fragile and thin and….bendy. I was petrified to cut them with nail clippers. I tried and he squirmed and I think maybe he could tell how anxious I was because he squirmed even more so I didn’t cut his nails, I filed them. Then the nanny started watching him and she cut them (even better!) but now I can actually cut his nails and it doesn’t feel like I’m trying to cut jell-o.

I thought this might be a top 10 list but I can’t really think of other things I disliked. Now give me a list of the things I love and hope he doesn’t ever grow out of and that may take much longer.

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