Not just 2010 but where did the last month go? Seriously. I thought I was doing ok updating my blog but it’s been an entire month since I posted anything. Bad, bad, bad. This site started as a way to share what’s going on with my pregnancy and then I kept it up (somewhat sporadically) after Luke was born to share what was going on with him. I’m really glad I started it and glad I’ve continued it because it’s served a few purposes. I’m able to share what’s going on with family and friends (and anyone else who may have stumbled upon the site) but it’s also been a great place for me to record my thoughts and read back and reminisce, smile and hopefully share with Luke one day when he’s older. I hope to continue this site but I may write more than just what’s going on with Luke. I’m not a big fan of making New Year’s resolutions (except for the NY resolutions from and her resolution for kittens to do less heroin…or more heroin depending on your stance.) but I will try to make some resolutions regarding my blog.
1. I want to write more often. I am happy when I post a new entry and I feel frustrated with myself when there is a big lull and I feel the need to write a catch up post (I now have several catch up posts to write) so I should just write more often.
2. If I have nothing to say, I will still try to post something.
3. Wordless Wednesdays are a great idea that I’ve seen on other sites and they may force me to post pictures at least once a week.
I think a list of 3 is good. For someone who doesn’t like any resolutions, three mini-resolutions related to one thing is quite impressive.