Friday, March 5, 2010

OMG - hiccups!

I was just telling Pete the other night that I haven't felt the baby have any hiccups yet. Well, I'm feeling them right now and it is the craziest feeling!! He's definitely head down still. I don't even know how to put it into words. I thought I was done with feeling new things from this little guy once I started feeling those strong kicks but this is crazy!! I can't really do anything to stop them either.


  1. Liliana used to get the hiccups in-utero EVERY night at around 9:00. She still is prone to them every time she laughs really hard- which is a lot.

  2. Oh my gosh, that is just freaky! I mean, it's not like if YOU drink a glass of water the baby's hiccups will stop! Well that's kinda cool, a new thing to experience. :)
