Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Doctor's appointment

I had my doctor's appointment today and everything looks good. My blood pressure was a little high but they took it again at the end of the appointment and it was normal for me - so no worries. Urine was fine. They did an internal exam and confirmed the baby is head down. I gained a little more weight than I wanted to (6 pounds since my last visit - my goal is 4 pounds a month) but I'm actually surprised I didn't gain more because in the last month I feel HUGE and like nothing fits me anymore. I forgot to ask the doctor if he thinks the baby dropped because there is definitely less pressure in my ribs and lungs so I can breathe better and I have more of an appetite (which may the cause of the extra poundage).

I made my next appointment which is in two weeks and then I have an appointment every week up to April 6 (just in case I guess). Pete thinks I will deliver early and I think I will be a little late/ We'll see. I was hoping the doctor could give me an estimate on the baby's size but he says they really can't predict it accurately and even with ultrasounds at this statge, they are still 15% inaccurate so he chooses to not even speculate. I am guessing Banjo will be about 7 pounds and 3 ounces. That is my completely unscientific guess.

I was kind of annoyed that it took them forever to get my next appointments setup. Usually at the end of an appointment they tell me when I check out which additional appointments to make and how far out. For example, make the next two appointments one month out each one with a doctor and one with a nurse practitioner. Well nobody told me anything the last few times and when the doctor told me today to make appointmnets for two weeks and then every other week the woman who works in patient services was frustrated (not at me but at the situation) because I should have made these apointments sooner and everything was booked. It literally took her about 15 minutes to get everything scheduled and I'm sure I'm double booked and will have to wait but I don't care - as long as I have my appointments scheduled.

I am super tired right now and I would seriously pay someone like $50 right now to let me take an hour nap. But I don't see that happening since I was already gone from work for one hour and fifteen minutes for my appointment and then I ate at my desk. So I can't quite disappear. My insomnia has come back and so far this week I've been getting between 4 1/2 to 5 hours of sleep a night. I'm getting up a lot to pee (which is expected) but then I can't fall back asleep because a) can't get comfortable b) Pete's snoring or c) my mind is racing about something. My family will be in town this weekend so I want to be well rested before they get here so I can enjoy their visit. Tonight I plan on taking a warm bath, drinking some milk and sleeping in another room (to avoid the snoring) so I can get a full uninterupted night's sleep. I will probably go to bed at like 9:00 if possible.

This is a long rambly post and I need to maybe have some chocolate with a little cafeine to get me through this afternoon slump.

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