Monday, January 11, 2010

Bruised, battered and bewildered

Banjo has somehow managed to bruise me from the inside out. My ribs hurt and when I touch the area that aches, it literally feels like I am bruised. It is so tender to the touch and it hurts to take deep breaths. It’s only on my right side which makes sense because that is where he consistently kicks me. And then there’s the little karate chops he’s doing near my…oh I don’t even know what organs hurt anymore. Just stop beating me up, baby! It helps to lean back a little but I’m used to kind of slumping a little when typing at work so it’s been pretty painful all day. Maybe Banjo just wants to force me to have better posture – at any cost! I will remember this when he is a slouching teenager.

I have been on a nesting kick this past weekend and we were super productive. I cleaned out my computer armoire so Pete could take it apart, I organized my desk and all the paperwork, I sorted through boxes of stuff in my office closet, emptied out my extra closet in the bedroom and I don’t even know what else. Luckily I was able to do this stuff sitting down. Pete helped dissemble and move shelves, furniture, etc. and he also transported all the laundry up and down the stairs (including the pink shirts I accidently created by washing a red robe with whites…oops. I know better than that. I can only blame baby brain).

Part of my nesting has been to review the baby registry and I have come to the conclusion that I don’t think we need to buy the baby bedding kit. They’re about $200 for the comforter, bumper pad, sheet, dust ruffle, etc. and you can buy each of those things separately. It didn’t really occur to me before but I realized (from reading one of the many books) that the comforter can’t be used on the baby for fear of suffocation until the baby’s about 1 ½ or 2 years old. And the bumper pads shouldn’t be used after the baby is old enough to move around in case he rolls into them and can’t breathe (at about 3-4 months). So what is the point of buying this stuff you can’t even use??!! I started researching online and the responses I read said things like, “Use the baby comforter as a wall hanging or lay it on the glider as a decoration.” I don’t understand what kind of scam the baby bedding manufacturers have going on but this seems a little ridiculous! There are other edits I’m going to make to the registry but I think I will wait a few days so I don’t start removing more things from my registry!

I think I’m taking the night off. No reading baby books and no organizing. Let’s see how successful I am. I’m not sure what to do for dinner because we made a huge batch of chili last night but I had a tomato based soup for lunch today and my heartburn and acid reflux is torture (not helping when I have my bruised ribs! Every time I burp, it’s agony!) I think grilled cheese sandwiches may be safer. At least my rib pain is distracting my from the pelvic joint pain! See, there’s always a bright side to things.


1 comment:

  1. That sounds so incredibly painful. I did read that the kicking should slow down as you get closer to term, since Banjo will run out of room! I also read that an active baby is a happy baby. Banjo must be ecstatic. :)
    sounds like you got a lot done this weekend. That always feels good.
