Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's back

I was getting used to feeling better and "normal" but the joint pain came back yesterday with a vengeance. I took Tylenol and am trying to do the same stuff that made it feel better last time. I then got a phone call from the nurse saying I have the beginning of a UTI and they want me on antibiotics right away because an untreated UTI can result in preeclampisa (which is bad). She also gave me information about physical therapy and when I told her I was going to wait a week before deciding on the physical therapy, she was adamant that I start it as soon as possible. She said she put the orders in and they would be contacting me on Monday. So I don't know what changed from my appointment on Wed when the doctor didn't seem terribly concerned about my pain and I got an email saying my urine test was fine. Actually, I do know about the urine test - they did a prelim urine test that found no issues and also a urine culture which is when they found the bacteria. But I still don't get the physical therapy. I have yoga today and I'm hoping to get some relief in the meantime.
I was so upset yesterday when the pain started. It's doing a number on my hormones and my stress levels. I came home and cried and Pete made me dinner and I just hung out on the couch and went to bed. I was really enjoying feeling good and then the pain comes back and slaps me upside the head, "so sorry. not done with you yet. bwa hahahahaha" (yes my pain has an evil maniacal laugh and also a thin twirly mustache that it curls between its painful little fingers.)
My mood is much improved this morning but the pain is still there.

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