Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Two great appointments

First I had my doctor’s appointment and I met another doctor I hadn’t met before. So that makes 5 doctors I’ve been able to meet and I love 3 of them and the other two I just like. Not bad. I don’t hate any of them so I’m feeling pretty good should any of them be the one on call who delivers my baby. It was a pretty uneventful visit. I gained 3 pounds which is good and right on target. But that means that I now weigh 173 pounds and I knew I would gain weight when I got pregnant but I didn’t expect to be so surprised by the number. I’ve gained 28 pounds so far. If I keep up with a 3 pound per month weight gain, by the time I deliver I will weigh less than 180 pounds and have gained 34 pounds total. Not too bad.

The baby must have flipped because he thinks he is feet down now and his heartbeat and size are right on target. No changes to the due date yet.

Then I went to physical therapy feeling optimistic but with a bit of doubt on how well it would go. I just hurt so badly after the last visit I was afraid it would be the same. Well, I’m glad I kept my optimism. I’m not pain-free by any means but I am feeling much better. She did an alignment and I am still a little off but not much and she gave me additional exercises to do at home to help with alignment and strengthening. I also discovered (partly from my yoga teacher and partly from the physical therapist) that the way I stand is contributing to my joint issues. Apparently I hyperextend my knees and put the weight on one leg more than the other – typically the right leg, which is the side giving me problems. I have been shown how to stand correctly (with a slight bend to the knee – not hyper extending – with equal weight on each leg) and although it feels weird to me I need to be more conscious of how I stand. Posture also plays a part in alignment (of course) and luckily I’ve been more conscious of that since I started my yoga class. I think the more conscious I am of my body and how I stand, sit, etc. the better chance I have of keeping my joints aligned and being relatively pain-free. This is the closest I’ve been to pain-free in about a month!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been cmmenting while I was away, but I was reading! The last post was almost painful to read! I am so glad that you're feeling a little relief. That sounds so hard. How did your prenatal massage go? Maybe you need another one!
    Hang in there. Just a little more time (I can't believe how close it's getting!) and you'll be holding him in your arms. That's a really nice thought, I'm gonna think about you and your awesome husband and your little baby boy for a while and smile. :)
