Monday, October 26, 2009

17th week

So I’m in the 17th week now. The baby is the size of an onion and is about 5.1” long.

Another site also used the comparison of a beanie baby. Just out of curiosity’s sake, I googled “banjo beanie baby” and what do you know? There’s a beanie baby named Banjo and it’s a cute little puppy. Awww.

I haven’t experienced any major changes in the past week. I have had some changes which I will call minor until I hear otherwise. I see the doctor on Wednesday so I will hopefully find out if this is anything to be worried about. I’ve been having trouble breathing – which I’ve read is a common complaint of being pregnant. It has something to do with “uterus is growing and taking up more room now, crowding your other organs” and “baby is putting pressure on your ribs which are leaving less room for your diaphragm. This means you will have difficulty breathing, and will almost feel faint at times.” It happens when I walk up the stairs (especially when bringing up a laundry basket) and normal tasks seem to exhaust me. After I take a shower, I have to sit down and take a rest. I’m wheezing a little bit – but not too bad.

I also had a nice little almost passing out spell that seemed to scare Pete but I think I can attribute it to low blood sugar. On weekdays, I have a pretty strict schedule of what and when I’m eating. I eat at 6:00 am, 10:00 am, noon, 2:00, 5:00 and 7:00 pm. And I’m eating healthy things like oatmeal, yogurt, raisins, apple, etc. as snacks. But on Sunday I was in a cleaning and being productive zone and I had a bagel with peanut butter at 8:00 am and then some juice around noon. I felt faint around 1:00 and went to sit down on the couch and everything went white and I thought I was going to pass out. I called for Pete and he got me some peanut butter crackers, lemonade and an orange and after eating that I started to feel better within about 10 minutes or so. Crisis averted but I never felt back to “normal” for the rest of the day. I was still having trouble breathing and just feeling out of sorts all day.

It’s also bugging me that I haven’t felt my little flutters in the last two days. So I am really looking forward to this doctor’s appointment so I can see what my blood pressure is, how my lungs sound and to listen to that baby’s heartbeat. I had the breathing issues again this morning but it’s not bad now. I will be taking it easy the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. Your body is going through so many changes. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. :)
    Give me an update after you see the doc. I don't like to worry needlessly, but you ARE my BFF and I want to make sure you and Banjo are fine. :)
