Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Recap of the First Trimester

We’d been trying to get pregnant since January of this year which was when the doctor had said it was ok to start trying again. I was pregnant last year and miscarried in October 2009 at about 10 ½ weeks along. It turns out it was a blighted ovum meaning it didn’t even progress. It was too painful to talk about initially but it’s true that it does get easier with time. It also helps being pregnant again and having things go so well. So it took me a little longer to get pregnant than we thought it would take and I spent those 7 months obsessing over every cramp and possible symptom hoping against hope that I was pregnant. Each time I got my period I was crushed. I was taking those early pregnancy tests in the hopes that I’d find out as soon as possible. No such luck. I probably took about 20 tests in 7 months. I don’t even have a great story for how I shared the news with Pete that I was pregnant. Initially I took the tests when Pete was home because I was convinced that I’d have good news to share but this time I was sure it would be another negative test. On July 21 I had met my friend, Erin, for dinner and drinks and after having a glass of wine (again, convinced I wasn’t pregnant) I came home and I was going to take the test the next morning but since I had to pee so bad I decided to get it over with and I took the test. Of course, now it’s positive. It was one of those digital ones that says either “pregnant” or “not pregnant” so I wouldn’t have to glare at the one line or two lines or plus/minus stuff. So I’m super excited and Pete’s not home from work yet for me to share the super fabulous news. You’d think I could have sat there and waited until he got home but no, I had to call him in the car. And he didn’t answer. Arrgh! He called back and I shared the good news. We called the grandparents-to-be and said we wanted to keep things quiet until I was able to see a doctor and hear a heartbeat.

We told a few people before the doctor’s appointment but wanted to keep it to ourselves a little longer. That wonderful first doctor’s appointment was on August 5 and then I had the first ultrasound on August 17.

It didn’t look much like a baby but we could see the heartbeat flickering on the screen and it was very emotional and I was pretty choked up. That following week we went on vacation to Cape Hatteras, NC and I think it was the first time I’ve ever been to the beach that I didn’t get to drink alcohol at all. But not surprisingly I didn’t care at all. It was nice to spend it with Pete, my parents, my nieces and Kristen and her friend, Olivia. It was very relaxing and I got to take a lot of naps (which I really needed).

It was fun following the different sizes of the baby every week. I had bought a book at Borders written by a doctor that ended up being a little too technical and when I read ahead, it turned out to be a little too scary for me. Luckily, Georgia bought me a less scary but just as informative book that detailed everything week by week. I have that to read along with online newsletters and blogs and I feel quite knowledgeable with what’s going on with little Banjo. The summary of the sizes is:
Week 3 – the size of a pin head
Week 5 – a sesame seed or the tip of a pen or a BB
Week 6 – a nut
Week 7 – a pencil eraser or the power button on your tv remote
Week 8 – a gummy bear or a kidney bean or a quarter
Week 9 – a grape or a cocktail olive or a marble
Week 10 – “slightly bigger than a coat button but not quite as long as a AA battery”
Week 11 – a small lemon or a large lime or a golf ball
Week 12 – the size of a small tape measure
Week 13 – a jumbo shrimp or the size of a car gas cap
Week 14 – peach
Week 15 – a baseball
Week 17 – a hockey puck

By the way, when we found out I was pregnant the pictures in the books all looked like a brine shrimp, aka sea monkey. The name Banjo is named after Space Ghost’s favorite pet, Banjo, a sea monkey.

On September 18 we had another ultrasound that looked much more like a baby and less like a miniature boiled chicken.

This is the picture that has my mother convinced that it's a girl because of the cute little mouth. What do you think?


  1. Wow, I haven't seen these pics! They're awesome! I would have NO idea how to tell what gender a baby is - all I know is that he or she is so beautiful! I'll bet you're super excited. :)

  2. Well, since I think all babies have cute little mouths I think my mom's prediction is more wishful thinking than science. We still have another month before we get the ultrasound when we can determine the gender.
