Sunday, November 8, 2009

2nd trimester stopped being fun today

I hope this is just a hiccup and not what the rest of this trimester is going to be like. I woke up feeling sick and nauseous fighting the urge to throw up. I've never experienced acid reflux before but based on my symptoms I can't imagine it was anything else. I was pretty worthless most of the day feeling crappy. On top of it my hormones decided to go haywire and I kept crying for no reason at all. The good thing is that I was aware that it was hormones and could give Pete a heads up. So I stood there crying while making chili for dinner (in hindsight, probably no the best thing to make considering how I was feeling). I did learn that milk helps the acid reflux though. I also learned that normally a hug from my husband makes me feel better when I'm upset but when I'm crying for no reason at all nothing seems to help.
I'm going to consider today a learning experience and stay positive that I can grasp some more of that 2nd trimester mojo that had me feeling so good in the last several weeks.
In less than a week I'll be at the 20 week mark and halfway through this pregnancy. And in about 2 weeks, I'll hopefully be able to find out the baby's gender.
I have pictures to post but I'm going to post them tomorrow. Hopefully sleep will help.


  1. aw, hope you feel better. I heard papaya extract helped with heartburn...j had it too.

  2. I had horrible heartburn the 2nd half- I was eating Tums like crazy but they didn't work. Check with your doctor but mine suggested Pepcid and it was a life saver. I didn't pop any other medication the whole pregnancy but I needed that pepcid.

  3. Ugh, I used to have acid reflux, it's awful. I hope you're back to feeling happy again soon!
