Friday, November 13, 2009


Today I am officially 20 weeks pregnant! Woo hoo!!! Halfway there!! Now that I’ve reached this milestone I’ve been waiting for there are a few more I’m anticipating as well. In a week and a half I will have 2 ultrasounds to find out if Banjo’s a boy or a girl. Then I’m also looking forward to those hard little kicks. I felt those flutters for awhile and then I stopped feeling them (but I’m not freaking out about it) and I can’t wait to feel those lil feet or fists poking my belly. I’m sure in a few months I may not be so overjoyed at those prods and pokes but as of now I’m really looking forward to them.

So far, my other big deal milestones have been the following:
Positive pregnancy test
First doctor’s appointment
First ultrasound
Prenatal yoga classes
Going to Baby Expos
Browsing through baby stores and looking for things for my baby for the first time (I’ve obviously been in baby stores before buying things for family and friends)
End of first trimester
End of wearing any of my old pants and only wearing pants with elastic, drawstrings or a big black band of material to stretch over my belly
Buying new bras
Picking out baby furniture
Receiving baby furniture

It seems like there are so many Firsts in the beginning of the pregnancy and then it sounds like in turns into a lot of waiting and getting fatter. Even in the pregnancy books describing what happens each week, there are huge changes each week in the beginning where it describes the baby’s development and what organs are growing and what significant changes are happening like taste buds and able to hear and so on. But it sounds like from now on, everything just keeps growing. I guess my next baby milestone will be 25 weeks which is the earliest possible time the baby could have a chance of living if born early. Then the 37 week mark for being born premature.

But I also have the baby shower to look forward to and decorating the nursery and other fun stuff. Plus things like forgetting what my feet look like (which means I’ll just have to get pedicures), a sore back (which means I’ll need to get massages), getting more out of breath from walking up the stairs (which means Pete will have to carry the laundry from the basement). Hmmm, not so bad. I’m not one to pull the pregnancy card to get out of things. I’m curious how long that will last!

1 comment:

  1. It's all a milestone, every day is a milestone! I love hearing about this stuff. You also sound like one well-informed, on-the-ball mama!!
