Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sleep and chocolate

5 hours of sleep isn’t enough for me. I’m going to bed early tonight. Snoring, leg cramps, allergies and anxiety kept me up last night. Luckily, no heartburn lately so I will blame the Chinese food on Saturday night. But when it happens again (as I’m sure it will) I will be prepared. Part of what was keeping me awake last night was obsessing over things on my list. It’s funny how in the light of day, it’s never as bad as it is at 3 am. Just think how much I’ll sleep when I have an actual baby to take care of and worry about rather than obsess over stupid things on a list (like get leather dog leash fixed, scan pictures, organize jewelry, etc). I usually have a half cup of coffee at home before I go to work and another little bit of coffee (mixed with decaf) once I get to work. I decided against the work coffee today due to my jittery nerves. I had some chamomile tea which helped.

My sweet tooth is starting to get the best of me. I don’t think I’m gaining much but every day I eat chocolate cookies and a bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup. That’s my after work and after dinner snack. It could be worse. Then the chocolate cookie bug bit me today at work and I bought a container of Chips Ahoy. I didn’t finish them though, so that’s good! I’m still eating healthy things like my standard breakfast of yogurt and oatmeal. My morning snacks were an apple and some string cheese. But if I had my way I could eat a whole tray of chocolate chip cookies. Oh! But I have very exciting news!! My fudge craving will be met this Saturday when my friend, Marcos, brings over some of his homemade Brazilian fudge. So I won’t have to wait until A) Pete uses the recipe my dad sent for his chocolate marshmallow fudge or B) my dad makes it for me in person when my parents come in for Thanksgiving. Yay for Marcos!

1 comment:

  1. Now _I_ want chocolate. Mmmm, cookies!
    You're looking great.
    Give Marcos a hug from me, I <3 Marcos!
