Saturday, November 7, 2009

Furniture has arrived!

The furniture arrived and I am so relived to not have to deal with that delivery company again! It looks great. It's all cramped in the room since I still have ,most of my office furniture still in there. We'll have to rearrange stuff soon. We're waiting to paint since we don't know the baby's gender yet. Hopefully we'll be able to find out the day before Thanksgiving. I'm still leaning towards girl but I don't care - I'm looking forward to meeting this lil one soon enough.

Going for Chinese tonight. I'm feeling a little off tonight so that will be fun. I'm feeling a little off today...a little dizzy and little light headed so I've been taking it easy. Plenty to do and I'll tackle my to do list tomorrow!


  1. That's very exciting, I'll bet the furniture is cute. :) You are so on top of things!
    What color are you painting the baby's room?

  2. very very cool. can't wait to see pics!
